We invite you on Monday, January 31st, where Compassion Kingdom: World Compassion Day will continue its monthly global movement of compassionate acts around the world. No matter where you are in the world, choose an act of compassion on this particular day to help us spread a growing awareness to raise the level of consciousness for all of humanity. 

On Jan. 31st our group’s act of compassion will be delivering winter coats to the less fortunate. If you’re from the Vancouver region and would like to join us or send coats to us, please 

contact:  shanejjamesgroup@gmail.com

Just this past month we did a sock drive and donated over 1000 pairs here in Vancouver. We were further joined by people from all over the world who had done their own act of compassion; 

  • Dubai – delivered clothing & toy articles to their gardener
  • India – delivered books to a local school
  • Saskatchewan – delivered gloves to the homeless in the community
  • Los Angeles – group in LA donated their time to an animal shelter
  • – Vancouver – money donations poured in for the sock drive
  • Vancouver based Vegetarian Butcher made sandwiches for the volunteers of the sock drive.

PLUS so many more kind compassionate folks from around the world contributing to this fast-growing Compassion Kingdom movement.

On the day of the initial launch, Shane was featured on CTV Morning Live news broadcast to discuss the full details of the Compassion Kingdom: World Compassion Day launch.

CTV Interview video attached:


Here is our Actions Of Compassion “Sizzle Reel” video featuring Shane doing his kind compassionate acts all over North America over the last 6 years. 

More ways others are helping to contribute: 

Below are additional Compassion Kingdom assets that others are using and sharing. This includes a 3-page document describing full details of the global Compassion Kingdom movement PLUS a one-page document specific to what the Compassion Kingdom movement is doing here in Vancouver with our coat drive for the homeless community. Additional asset images and a related copy is also attached for social media and email purposes.

We thank you ever so kindly for your valuable time and really look forward to making a positive difference together in creating sustainable global change.