Chelsea discovered yoga through meditation while working in the medical field in DFW heart labs. The calming effects of the study helped her to deal with the day-to-day stresses of the field, but the inspiration she found along the way called her to leave medicine altogether and pursue her practice all the way in Indonesia.

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Having trained in Bali, she specializes in multi-style yoga, a mixture of Hatha, Pranayama and Meditation, Yin and Vinyasa. Her time in the jungles studying a wide range of techniques, allowed her to reach an understanding of how to truly help others. Beyond simple stretching and meditation, Chelsea strives to link the mind to the voice of the soul, giving it room to grow and nourishing it with a positive thought.

Returning to yourself daily, positive self-talk, affirmations, and renewal of self are the centers of her practice, giving you the tools to fall in love with yourself again, and all the possibilities in your life. Please join me for a yoga experience that will speak to your soul and let me guide you along the way.

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