Our Story

Amie brings a wealth of experience to the challenge of balancing one’s health & wellness on top of parenting and career demands. After 10+ years in the marketing world, Amie took a leap of faith in a mission to advocate health & wellness as well and to rid the stigmas surrounding cannabinoid therapies to parents, workers and families in need. A true connector compassionately at heart, this busy single mom of one, has been working to create an educational and resource based, holistic health platform raised from personal experiences and connectivity in the health/cannabis space through her corporation, Hip Lives @hiplives . (“HIP” an acronym for “Health in Progress”) . The lateral message of “Healing in Plants” resounding from personal testimony within her social channels @my.hiplife. Amie launched the Hip Lives product line in Spring 2021 with a concentration towards women’s health with her 6 top selling formulations only available in the US market.
“If it wasn’t for the women changing the landscape with what old stigmas tattooed in the unborn world, we would never know the magnitude of the plants purpose as we too, may have been fearful of the judgement or law breaking it has crucified for generations. Thank you to those legacy heroes and of course to the plant which has an endless resource of purposes still yet to discover. These women make my home for inspirational and life changing content to be accessed by other women around the world. I am just a middle man for that networking, learning and further accelerating the evidence we are best together when we can all grow as one – it is proven, women need women. I am blessed to support others this way and am grateful for that mutual encouragement in what could be – a very mans world. Times are changing.”
Amie also founded Eve’s Collective in early 2021, thanks to the supportive network of women encouraging her ever fervent determination and fostering her the confidence to bring all the growing ideas she had together. @Evescollective, a division of Hip Lives, concentrates on the collaborations undeniably possible through the power of female dominated businesses and leaders across the globe as they “grow together as one”. Amie supports women’s lifestyles, infused with cannabis and is set to host a virtual events available to female members
With a desire to confront the mental, physical and emotional health that she and her child were being forced to manage, on top of the unknown daily challenges. (her child having been diagnosed in 2015 with a rare genetic condition) She knew she wasn’t alone in these struggles and realized that there was no definitive resource or support system for many parents, children and corporations in terms of coping and taking a positive approach to health solutions. Through controversial research and personal development, Amie launched HIP Lives from a desire to convert her and her child’s medicinal regiment to one entirely cannabis based.
Healing in Plants primary focus that surrounds the platform, embraces the unknown with an honest approach, whilst continuously growing her network and knowledge surrounding the plant within North America and European markets. Amie shares the benefits and the challenges faced in the Cannabis Industry from her hands on professional experiences in the space. As a consultant, Amie connect individuals together through various product and raw materials sought and offered in the supply chain, structuring business development strategies and delivering compliant, turn key solutions. Overall, her inclusive message to a global audience is one that stems from her personal testimony and public relations in the space which she regularly shares via her personal social platform @my.hiplife
Albeit biased, Amie also delivers the honest messages surrounding challenges and also successes as a single parent to a child with special needs. Help in Parenting is a collaborative pillar which touches on disabilities, global education & awareness, parenting tips and overall discussion surrounding a vast dynamic of families from around the world.
Hips belief in an inclusive message is the foundation for Health in Progress. As we all aim to protect and heal ourselves and those around us, the necessary call to action for humanity to be protected has also brought forward a global trade platform as we connect at the hip, unitig towards a better world and solutions ever growing in Health and overall Wellness.
To read more about Amie and the story of HIP Lives check out: http://hiplives.com/series/the-story-of-hip-lives/