
Live in the Wildness

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Anjali Libera, Trauma Specialized Holistic Health Practitioner & Yoga Instructor

litwHere’s some background about me: 

  • I have a Diploma in Samatha Meditation which was the first piece to building a sturdy foundation for myself as I ventured out into the world, barreling towards my dreams, while toting along a side kick (my then 6 year old Sagitarrian child)
  • I have a Diploma in Ecosystem Management where I studied courses such as Holistic Health, Indigenous Studies and Ecological Restoration which was fueled by my passion to help support myself, other individuals, our communities and our shared global environment. 
  • I studied Outdoor Adventure to deepen my leadership skills while testing my own limits and leading by example. (Also to have a little fun exploring!)
  • While studying I worked several on campus jobs including working as Activities Director for the Student Union. This proved to open many future opportunities including a summer position at a Wilderness resort on beautiful Cape Breton Island. 
  • I have been studying and applying numerous modalities such as: Yoga, Ayurveda, Herbalism, Nutrition, Tantra, Nature Therapy, Somatics, Personal Training, Reiki, Medical Intuition, Share Circle Facilitation, EFT and Chinese Medicine over the last two decades. And I have specialized in working with Women & Children, Individuals with Trauma, and Support Workers. 
  • I have also had the opportunity to work with a variety of age groups, populations and sectors. Including athletes, arborists, corporate employers/employees, personal support workers, judicial system employees, people with chronic health issues, those experiencing grief or pregnancy loss, & individuals undergoing chemotherapy amongst many others. 
  • I studied Psychology & Sociology as part of a Bachelor of Arts & Sciences degree in order to also become more educated in Western approaches. 
  • I am very passionate and fascinated with the Science behind human development and how this parallels Eastern ideology.
  • I have accomplished all of these things while being a single parent and am soon to be an empty nester.

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About Us


litw2The birth of Live in the Wildness: Heal. Thrive. Flourish. 

After years of attempting to outrun the reality of living with many chronic symptoms and diagnosis’s (Generalized Anxiety, Panic, Eating Disorders, Depression, Ptsd/i, IBS, IC, Agoraphobia & Trauma), I burnt out completely rendering me basically helpless and trapped in a state of exhaustion and freeze. 

Like many of us I was not unfamiliar with adversity and I was determined not to be taken out by this after everything else that I had been through. On this occasion the fighting was counterproductive, leaving me even more exhausted and without any steam for even the most basic daily tasks. It was around this time when I found the teachings of Tara Brach, a buddhist based practitioner and was listening to everything of hers that I could get my hands on. She teaches a lot on radical acceptance and in one talk she shared the lesson about learning to live in the wildness.

 I heard this sentence and a light bulb went off. For years I had been fighting to get to a place where my symptoms did not reside. I was in search of a place where challenges were outdated and happiness was the only constant. I now realize this is an unrealistic goal many of us continue to aim for. Instead we must learn how to surf the waves that life will continuously send in our direction, being prepared to fall on occasion while also possibly having fun from time to time. Recovery was not immediate, but this mindset did bring immediate shifts.

 Soon afterwards I found Somatic therapy which aided me in comprehending my symptoms further connecting all of them to nervous system dysregulation. As I began to live in my system rather than fight, numb, or avoid, the layers began to brush away and I began to get to know myself better than ever before. Having this deeper access to my core allowed my capacity for safety to rebuild (possibly for the very first time) and my life became focused in the present instead of focused on symptoms. It is my goal with Live in the Wildness that by sharing my story, resources and tools with others they might also find the shifts they need to heal in their present lives, thrive throughout the storms and flourish well into their futures. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

Key pillars:

  • Mindfulness & Meditation
  • Breathwork & Yoga
  • Ayurveda & Tantra
  • Outdoor Adventure & Nature Therapy 

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What you can expect: (Client centered, Personalized, Support)

  • A client centered approach to healing
  • A comprehensive personalized plan specific to the individual rather than a band-aid approach
  • Ongoing and continuous support throughout the process


Personal goals: (Holistic Approach, Safety, Support)

  • Looking at mental illness and chronic conditions from a nervous system perspective. Approaching nervous system dysregulation as a whole, working with healing the root cause rather than treating individual symptoms. 
  • Empowering clients to develop skills to take their health back into their own hands. 
  • Providing support for individuals while they rebuild the safety they need in their systems to move forward from their trauma/ pain/ challenges and back out into the world a more full version (if not fullest version) of themselves. 


For more information and fees

please complete our intake form and follow us at: 

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Mindfulness & Meditation

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]mm2As this world continues to spin more and more madly out of control, finding our inner center has never been more crucial. The practices of Mindfulness and Meditation are integral pieces of doing just this. They both get plenty of hype these days but have you ever wondered what they really involve? Mindfulness in short, involves being focused in the present moment. If we are sitting in a fancy meditative posture but thinking about our back to school shopping list, we are not there. The key instead is to be able to witness where the mind goes and gently bring it back to ‘the NOW’. It involves being able to witness negative thoughts, swirling patterns and ruminations of past events, and then regaining present awareness. Mindfulness can be brought into our daily lives or be used in other practices to achieve a particular goal. 

Meditation is the action of using Mindfulness as a technique to quiet the mind, calm the body, and settle emotions. Some people use a word (mantra) as a way of guiding the mind back where more advanced participants mm1may find they don’t need a word. Significant benefits of these practices can be seen after only 10 minutes a day while practice periods as little as 3 – 5 minutes can be helpful too. People who regularly practice report seeing a decrease in chronic pain symptoms, decrease in mental health conditions, better sleep, increase focus and job performance as well as feel a more cheery disposition towards daily life. 

It is important to know that there are many types of Meditation and there isn’t one type that fits everyone. It is beneficial to join a group or work with a trained professional when beginning to ensure the type you are choosing is the best for you as there are some contradictions. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]

For more information and fees

please complete our intake form and follow us at: 

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Breathwork & Yoga

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]by4The word, Yoga, has become quite commonized in Western culture although originally birthed in the East. In the West, it is popularly seen as a fitness trend that is coupled with a whole variety of clothing and accessories but this idea gives little props to the full power of its authenticity. So what is Yoga really?

Yoga translated means “union”. It has also been interpreted as;  “that which brings you to reality” or “a complete path in itself”. It is quite simply, how we experience life. Therefore, all the pieces it encompasses, function to bring an individual back to balance with themselves and back to wholeness. When we practice we are able to show up fully to all of that which life hands us on a daily basis. 

Breathwork is one of the limbs of yoga and also functions in this way. Breathing is a beautiful process that occurs naturally each day. But did you know that over 70% of us are doing it incorrectly?! Over the years of accumulated pressures, stresses and traumas our systems have become unbalanced. But all is not lost as adding even a short breathing exercise into our daily routine can help us to realign and regain capacity to show up to life fully. 

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For more information and fees

please complete our intake form and follow us at: 

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Ayurveda & Tantra

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]at5The Eastern Medicine system known as Ayurveda has been around for over 5,000 years and has been known as “The Mother of All Healing”. Although the system is complex and has many functions, the one that is most accessible to Western culture is establishing a dinacharya sadhana. Simply put, dinacharya is a daily practice that aids in bringing some consistency and balance into our system and lives. Other benefits include: bodyclock balancing, improved digestion, increased self esteem, anti-aging properties, development of discipline, promotion of inner peace, boosted immunity and increased longevity.

The daily practice includes: (1) waking and sleeping at the same time everyday (rising and going to bed early), (2) starting the day with an intention or prayer, (3) cleaning face, mouth, and eyes, (4) drinking water first thing, (5) tongue scraping, (6) brushing teeth, (7) oil pulling, (8) nasal drops, (9) oiling the ears, (10) full body oil massage, (11) exercise & yoga, (12) breathwork, (13) meditation, and (14)  eating breakfast. This might seem like a lot to implement but even a few small changes can have a huge impact on life, longevity and overall health.

Tantra, although steadily linked to sex, isn’t only this. It is more about learning to “make love to life”. It is showing up each day in full presence and awareness prepared and willing to participate and engage in what is being gifted to us. It is being embodied in every action from waking, to eating, to the way we communicate with ourselves and others. The benefits of this are similar to those of mindfulness where thoughts and emotions are processed more gently but also there is an increased awareness of the fluidity in life. A new found ability to flow with how things unfold on a moment to moment basis. It is best to connect with a reputable teacher on how to develop and incorporate these skills more in depth.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_media_grid element_width=”3″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1600120346468-f232050f-68c4-3″ include=”2715,2716,2717,2718″][vc_column_text]

For more information and fees

please complete our intake form and follow us at: 

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Outdoor Adventure & Nature Therapy

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]out3Have you ever noticed how quickly your internal environment shifts after being outside? Or how there seems to be an inherent draw for most of us to get out to nature whenever possible?

Whether it be getting to a park for a picnic or setting aside a week to embark on an exciting canoe trip, to some degree we all seem to crave some type of adventure and connection to the environment that surrounds us.

out2This isn’t a coincidence, neuroscientists are finding that our brainwaves react very differently when in urban vs rural settings. Two things they are seeing is that the frontal lobe which is hyper-engaged in urban settings  seems to relax when in nature and our alpha waves (which reflect a calmer more aware state) heighten. These are some reasons why time in nature has been helping people with anxiety, PTSD, depression, addiction as well as physical symptoms feel better and actually rebuild capacity in their nervous systems. It is also why Outdoor Adventure activities are becoming more the norm when teaching children and Nature Therapy is proving to be highly effective for troubled teens and others with trauma. 

Working with a certified Practitioner as an individual or gifting yourself a group retreat with an experienced Guide can be a beautiful investment in the self. 


For more information and fees

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