I have always been a worrier.

Even as a child I was concerned about things more than I needed to. I always played the role as the care giver and felt the need to make sure everything was okay for everyone.

As an adult my worry increased.
  • Adjusting to adulthood responsibilities to the birth of my children
  • Experiencing the loss of my son, Brantley
  • Losing control whilst grief stricken

I was nervous, fearful, and anxious all the time. I would physically shake at times. I had a built up feeling inside me that made me feel at the edge of tears most of the day. On really tough days, it was even difficult to breath.

The only thing that calmed me at first was keeping my mind busy. Finding new hobbies, projects, jobs, anything to give me a sense of purpose for the day. But after a while those things I did to keep busy just created something new to be anxious about.

I tried prescription medication.

This only made me care less about important things.  I no longer cared if we had food to eat or if I went to work. I felt like I was in a cloud most days. I didn’t like that feeling so I tried more prescription drugs.

Then I tried a glass of wine to unwind.

It helped quiet things in my mind but I quickly became dependent on that and had to stop before it got out of hand. I read that exercise can help ease anxiety and found a great workout I loved. It was a release during and for a short time afterwards but I still found myself worrying and obsessing over life and felling completely overwhelmed by my anxiety.

That’s when I was encouraging by a friend to try CBD.

I had done my research on CBD oils as a potential treatment for my son’s seizures. I learned it was effective for anxiety and other mental illnesses but never considered it for myself.

The internet provided great information and resources but I wanted to talk to someone first hand with knowledge of CBD’s effectiveness with anxiety.  Finding a local dispensary and knowledgeable staff was key!  They provided me information on all of CDB uses, not just the ones that pertained to my son and I. Their sharing of personal experience made me feel confident about what I was hearing and I decided to purchase my first disposable vape pen.

The effects were almost immediate.

I was no longer shaking with anxiety. My mind became clearer but not foggy like it was with alcohol or prescription drugs. It felt like it brought my life into focus. All the things that overwhelmed me felt like they were in a neat and manageable order now. My emotions felt more controllable. CBD is now woven into my daily routine. It helps me start the day and unwind at the end. It helps me prioritize tasks at hand and still keep a calm smile.


Everyone has different experiences with CBD and its effects.

There are so many different brands and strains out there now, the choices can be overwhelming!

My advice on finding the best product for you is to do your research and find someone who is knowledgeable of the CBD product you are interested in as well as what you want to use it for.  You will know you are in good hands when the person you are asking just wants to help you and not sell you a product.

About the Author:

Rachael Cyr is a regular contributor for Hip Lives- read more of her story here!

A mothers story of pediatric CBD, #SeizuresGone