
Mirror Mirro Dont you Fall

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]We know that positive thoughts can bring positive outcomes just like we have discussed through the powers of manifestation to put forthWe know that positive thoughts can bring positive outcomes, just like we have discussed through the powers of manifestation to put forth the dreams we set our mind on in order to have them come true!

This month we are reflecting and focusing on a mirror image of ourselves (figuratively or realistically however you wish to visualize the big picture – aka, yourself}.  Right here in the present moment as you happen to find yourself reading this absolutely intentionally dedicated request.



Mirror, Mirror on the wall, what’s your self-reflection call? 

What is it saying? Is it proud?  Can it share that thought out loud?  

Are you happy, are you glad?  Is there pride in the life you’ve had?

We must always shape and heal our emotional, physical, spiritual, mental, and intellectual health so as we add a tool to our therapy kit each month we think it’s a great time to share a technique that truly inserts ourselves into the healing process.

Check out SBFT here

We know that positive thoughts can bring positive outcomes just like we have discussed through the powers of manifestation to put forth the dreams we set our mind on in order to have themIt’s said biblically that we are created in the mirror image of God.  Now I don’t care what you believe in but I would greatly assume that a high percentage of us generally subscribe to the goodness in the world and wish to be a better version of ourselves, striving to lead a life of positive actions, thoughts, and belief above all.  Well, the good news is – no one does this.  We are all perfectly imperfect however, this ideal or 100% love and light image of such greatness – is the likeness indeed of the almighty whether you know it’s God or just know as it lives within us all, it is the one untouchable, unreachable and unmatched harmony that can reach abundant levels of spirits shining when we all can and do in those gracious times of loving one another and all that surrounds them too.

But I will turn my ask around and in full transparency share a few things that my true self expressed when I asked myself those same questions.   It was timely of course but Coach, Isabelle Hertz joined me on Eve’s Collective where I determined myself to fix or at least get to some solutions surrounding hypocrisy that I was feeling in my life being I believe in plant-based medicine but was recently prescribed pharma.  The self-doubt I struggled with until this chat with Isabelle which you can appreciate was my aftermath researching for the tool she used with me; Solution Based Therapy.  (not planned, I swear!)

We know that positive thoughts can bring positive outcomes just like we have discussed through the powers of manifestation to put forth the dreams we set our mindThe other thing I see in this mirror that I commit to facing is scars.  I”m deeply scarred both physically on the outside and emotionally on the inside.  In fact, the emotional ones have played a huge role on the ones I wear on the outside as I have over time tormented my skin with self-inflicting damages as I pick unconsciously while deep in overwhelming thoughts of worry, doubt, and overall anxiety-ridden in the process of such.



I admittedly have severe ADHD and throughout covid with much time alone `spent building, creating, and manifesting my goals for myself, my business, and ultimately the future, it has become even more predominant as I start a million tasks and lose sleep ensuring that I complete all as set out to do.  Thank god for a strong work ethic and even more than that, perseverance to follow through with all I set out to do.  However, it does and has come at a high cost. This mirror-facing, self-observed issue is one that I have never disclosed publicly and one that I have known about since I was 14 but never wanted physician confirmation, diagnosis of until last month. 

Excoriation disorder (also referred to as chronic skin-picking or dermatillomania) and yes it is a form of mental illness in the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder goodie bag of tricks and traits.   I actually stopped typing this midway to get my nails deep under my skin without thinking, without real purpose but suffice to say, it does satisfy me at the moment.  I wish I knew how to come through it as I recognize myself in those moments often…but when I “snap” back into reality, it’s always too late.   I’ve done irreversible damage over the years but perhaps by facing it and by giving it a name, I can see myself more and more as I work towards solutions for all I am boldly sharing.

Even though I had feared hearing this from the good old doctors at the Adult ADHD Clinic I frequent, there is also something comforting about knowing exactly what you may or may not know about yourself when you finally “face it”.   

As this is a health in progress platform, I can only leave with that last note perhaps encouraging the one reader who just needed that push to speak to someone or maybe for someone who knows there is an issue within them that needs confronting but is unsure as to what.  It’s likely that many readers resonated with Solution-Based Focus Therapy and are eager to try for themselves seeing that this is typically how we get to the root of any problem however, a self-directed question plan of attack by a third party usually isn’t our first go to. I get it.  It wasn’t mine either.

We know that positive thoughts can bring positive outcomes just like we have discussed through the powers of manifestationLooking and “reflecting’ at ourselves has us perhaps see what we want to but it is a two-way image and only one of which feels, thinks and can see beyond the good, the bad, and the ugly.   Don’t get me wrong also as I do feel incredibly strong, confident, capable, loved, and full of love to give.  The ADHD doesn’t define me and the dermatillomania has its way with me from time to time, but – I know this now.  I can own this now.  And I can be loud and proud now absolutely sure that when I face the mirror this month, I know exactly the theme and all that is to be – is right there in the flesh….and she’s a perfectly imperfect girl <3[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]