
10 Self-Care Tips For Burnt Out Working Moms

MeiMei Fox


  1. Repeat this mantra every day

Repeat this mantra in your mind or out loud for five minutes every day: “I am doing the best I can with the resources I have available. I am an amazing mum and I am proud of everything I do, every single day.”

  1. Take regular breaks

Many mums feel guilty when taking time for themselves or just chilling and “doing nothing.” However, taking a break is not inaction. It is, on the contrary, very important action and essential for every mum. We can compare it to sleeping when we also “do nothing.” If we didn’t sleep, we would not be able to function. The same goes for parenting. Regular breaks are important for both you and your family. 

You do not have to do anything big or time-consuming. You can start with a 10-minute bath, walk, or reading your favorite book in silence. You could also smoke a joint if so inclined.  Just take the time.

  1. Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses

We all do things we are proud of and things we are not so proud of. However, a lot of mums tend to only notice the “bad” things they do and torture themselves thinking what they should do or should have done differently. This approach does not serve anyone – least of all your child.

Here’s what you can do instead: Every day before you go to sleep, remind yourself of all the amazing things you did that day. You will be surprised by how many amazing things you will come up with once you give it a good thing. 

  1. Ask for help 

Most mums try to be superheroes (not that they aren’t!) by juggling too many things at once. However, it’s like trying to place 12 eggs in an egg box with only nine compartments. If you cannot fit them in, it doesn’t mean that you are a bad mum. It just means that there is only so much we can do in a day. 

selfcaretipsThe solution is to ask for help as often as you can. Asking for help doesn’t mean that you are weak. It means that you choose to remain strong. 

  1. Talk

So-called “negative” emotions are part of our lives. Repressing them can lead to both emotional and physical issues. Whenever you feel low, anxious, scared, worried, or anything else that causes you distress, talk about it with someone you trust. Letting things out lifts a huge weight off your shoulders and creates space for new, more joyful feelings. 

  1. Do something new every week

Doing new things opens your mind to new possibilities, habits, beliefs, and thinking patterns. Try a different route on the way to grocery shopping, go to new places, try new foods, find a new hobby, do new activities with your kids, play a new game… The options are limitless.

  1. Journal

Journaling is one of the most powerful tools to help you understand your feelings, get rid of your limiting beliefs, fears, or worries, and create a strong foundation for anything you want to be, do, or have. Journaling prompts are great but you can start with simply free writing. Every day, take five to ten minutes to offload anything that’s on your mind. You will be amazed by the shifts you experience if you do this regularly.

  1. Set worry time

Set a timer for ten minutes a day, for instance at 8 pm, when you do nothing else but worry. When the time is up, stop. Whenever you find yourself worrying outside of your worry time, tell yourself: “I will worry about it at 8 pm.” This way, you don’t push your worries away. Rather, you create space for them to be heard. At the same time, you don’t impact your mental wellbeing in a negative way. It is better to worry for ten minutes a day than in short spurts throughout the day and night. 

  1. Create a mummy group and help each other out

Get together with a few mummy friends and agree on doing something for each other regularly. Shop for each other, take care of each other’s children, cook for each other, have a regular mummy night out… Anything that works for you. Not only will this save you some money, but you will also create great friendships.

  1. Schedule a regular five-minute exercise session

For a busy mum, it is not easy to commit to a 60-minute workout three times a week. So, what you can do instead is schedule a five-minute exercise session six or seven times a week. This way you are much more likely to actually do it. If you feel like keeping going for longer than five minutes, great! If you don’t, that is fine too. In most cases, people just keep going! But even if you exercise “only” for five minutes three times a week, it’s still better than no exercise at all.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]