Getting a Grip: Trust

No matter where we live or how much we make, we’re all feeling a measure of sadness, anger, loss and confusion in this COVID world. However, most of these emotions are manageable. Humans can move past sadness and anger. We can grieve and recover from loss. The strongest among us can even find clarity and new directions in chaos.

But there is one emotion that as a species none of us will never get used to: fear.

The unknown and our fear of it obscures our ability to think rationally. For me, the direct manifestation of this fear has been in my dealings with other people. In a world where so many are grabbing what they can, from toilet paper to quick money, trust and honesty have become the true scarcities.

Corrupt governments, individuals and businesses are as old as time, but now it feels uniquely personal. From clients who refuse to pay for services rendered to the meagre subsidies offered by governments, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to believe in anyone.

So what does one do?

The answer: Trust yourself.

The old saying “trust your gut” may have misled me in the past and caused an upset stomach more than once. But that was then. I’ve had months of quarantine to sharpen my instincts and here’s what I learned.

trust2Rule #1

If you have to ask yourself more than once, “should I?” than you definitely should not.

Rule #2

Killer instincts can only come with killer clarity. Put down that drink and fried nonsense that will leave you in a food coma. Leave behind anything that will cloud your judgement. Now is the time to feel light and move like water. Exercise as the principal tenet of mental health. Start your day with it and use it to guide your decision-making process.

Rule #3

Never make decisions in the evening. There’s a reason why real estate agents call with offers at night. Because they know they you will be worn out after the day and acquiesce more easily.

Rule #4

There’s no such thing as easy money anymore- as tempting as your friend’s mask and glove opportunities are for a quick return, don’t do it. If you’re going to invest money in something invest in your own idea- the one you’ve done your market research on and thoroughly studied to be as recession proof as possible. Light overhead is your mantra.


Rule #5

Be an example of honesty and trust yourself. Start with your spouse/partner, your friends, and colleagues. Only attest to what you can absolutely attest to. Tell the truth about your financial and emotional difficulties. If you have the network you should, you may be surprised by the genuine help you will receive. Using discretionary judgement, I would also include your children in . We seem to have the notion that shielding our kids from any hardship. I’m of the mind that hardship builds character and work ethic. If sacrifices have to be made then so be it. Paper routes, sticking to old toys understanding how to contribute to others well-being through conscious action are far more valuable than what they are NOT learning in school right now.


And as ever, if you need advice or guidance, your friend Amie is only a call or email away.