
CEO Amie Reiman

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Women in Cannabis Expo Online Nominations & Awards Details

Suffice to say, I have sacrificed a lot over the past year because as long as COVID hits the ground globally running…And so did I.

A little background

As a single mother to a special needs child, my flexibility was always challenged.  In late 2019 after a post-trauma leave of absence from my Corporate Sales role and backed with the ever-growing need to have my son’s education further prioritized; it became clear that the City and albeit – a shit ton of resources for us both; appeared to be telling us to accept the next chapter of our lives.  So we did. 
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”5006″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”https://womenincannabisexpo.com/nominations-%26-awards”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Noting the timeline it is safe to say we had no sooner settled into our home only minutes away from my family in Niagara Falls than the pandemic was upon us and so again, changes had to be made.

Why Cannabis?

My mother, the patient, loving, and giving saint that she is – also happens to be high risk and of course, my son fit the bill for that burden as well.  As a family for safety measures and to provide consistent scheduling as it would benefit my mom’s homeschooling FT for my one and only tenfold, due to his needs for such.

It was at that exact time and years of being more than an FT life juggling mother, that I accepted this new day today?

I mean, how long was this COVID really going to last anyhow?

Fast forward because you may have glimpsed at my year in review so it now aligns with the how, the why, the what, when, where and my who to some of you who are learning briefly as to the face/woman behind HIP Lives. Truly a high-level landscape of a true entrepreneurial “geterdun” type A who didn’t “choose” cannabis, but had it choose my family instead.  

How did it all begin?

Remember the trauma aforementioned?  My son’s growing needs due to his condition?  Well, change often means disrupting your comfort zone because it’s unknown and scary.  To me, the repercussions and side effects of choosing to medicate us both pharmaceutically were actually more daunting.  I decided to go the holistic route and leading up to the big move out of the City, I was already pioneering the supply chain frontiers as an international drug dealer (cannabis) and telling my son and I’s story in those present times as we were defining what it means to advocate and educate and continue forward always with our health in progress through this transparent testimony. 

That’s where My Hip (health in progress) Life stemmed from and the rest is a short timeline however lightning speeds do the days go by while expanding, evolving, and elevating all ideas that my early 2019 business plan had dreamt up.

How hard could it be to self-teach every area of a new business with no overhead? 

 (really hard actually, but doubt rarely teased and conflicted me- thank God for stubborn perseverance as a firstborn!)

Thus, this was how I chose to fill my newfound “time”.  Wake, create, strategize, expand, network, collaborate, and be challenged along the way with many a sleepless night along the way.

A  brand NEW year in the making

One year ago I was determined to rebrand and start towards my goals.  One year ago while mitigating both corporate and also personal litigation you can imagine the mental strain, the new empty home in a new city during covid….(insert crickets here).  Yes, that could have been debilitating, and trust me when I say that I let it have its days here and there when facing a mirror I could only simply say to myself – “what the hell are you doing starting all of this up alone, with zero capital, in an unknown market aligned with an infancy born industry – you are not a pioneer Reiman and you have enough on your plate!”   One year ago I said I would do something and I have a personal accountability threshold that I have always proposed to be my utmost reason behind anything I set out to do.  If I say I will do something, I do it!  So buck up I had to tell myself…. Buck up and grow up. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!

 This brings me to the Women in Cannabis Expo where I will be speaking on “What not to do”  due to the overwhelming amount of zoom webinars and coaching being offered throughout the past year.I did keenly note that everyone had very helpful advice on “What TO do…” but not the latter.

Sum it up Girl

Anyhow, this is me.  This is my ambition, mandate, mission, and overall commitment to the plans through trust and perseverance, due diligence and a ton of what not to do are along the way that allows me to share the nominations link for what and who you consider to be a leading lady in Cannabis to be.   You see where I am coming from but moreover, accelerate my beliefs if you can support me getting there because as a solopreneur, appreciation is petting the cats in the late hours or being thanked for being placed on hold by a bot.  

HIp Lives values humanity first so I am fueled by love.  Now, how about some in return so we can move those mountains together?!   

Stay Lifted,

XO Amie



 Online nominations open on August 1 and will close on September 1, 2021.  Nominations and votes sent after September 1, 2021 will not be accepted.  To nominate a leading woman in the cannabis industry please submit the nominees name, photo, company name, website and tell us why in 250 words or less about the woman being nominated. Also be sure to include a brief description of yourself and how you are affiliated with the nominee.  One nomination per category, per IP address, will be accepted. Multiple nominations of the same woman for different categories will not be accepted, and self-nominations will not be accepted. Please follow their Instagram page to submit nominations via DMs @womenincannabisexpo or you can email Brooke and the all-female team at  womenincannabisexpo@yahoo.com 

In the memo line, please put an online nomination category.


  1. Best Woman Entrepreneur of The Year     
  2. Best  Cannabis Woman/ Women Owned Company    
  3. Best Cannabis Podcast/Radio Station of The Year    
  4. Best Cannabis Women/Woman Magazine/Book of The Year 
  5. Best Women/Woman Owned Trail Blazing Start Up Company
